So,today im going to talk about a different kind of Subject.Winter! ,how many are there of winter lover?? Im not a winter lover. And with that winter is knocking at the door 🚪.So we need to prepare our body and immune System for this Winter Season.Here i am going to share some information hope you find it helpfull..
Probiotic Flora::
A beneficial bacteria found in the intestinal tract of healthy meals,often considered to be a plant.To increasing of intake probiotic is a good sign for boost our immune system and also help us for fighting against our illness.Probiotics are microorganisms that are considered to be good For our digestive system and also keep our gut healthy.A huge portion of our immune system is located in the "Gut",so it is important to know more about that friendly bacteria that can help to keep it working smoothly.It is also find in a large number of foods such as:yogurt, florella,sauerkraut
Balance Diet::
Balance is a key note of iur life. We should maintain Our diet properly. Fuelling our body with right nutrients has huge impact on both our body means our immune system and all over body. To make sure that you are a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. So the research recommend "The Rainbow Diet".It means, we should eat each and every colour of vegetables and fruits to our every meal. The more colours the better your inner health. We should not choosy about our diet. But we shouldn't drink alcohol, should not smoke and you know all these bad stuffs which can harm our body as long as our immune system. On the other hand we should not forget about the protein and fatty acids. Such foods are nuts, seeds, fish, milk,butter, E. T. C..Another way to keep our health healthy is to avoide processed foods and food high in salt and sugar.And also we shouldn't skip our breakfast which many of we casually do.
Many of us love to sleep. Well winter is the perfect season for sleeping.It is also proved
That insufficient sleep increase our causing of getting illness.So my advise is to take around 8 hours of sleep every day. During sleep we can heal and strengthen our body , also keep us fit and fresh.So we also have to maintain for a healthy body. Because we deserve it.!!
Water is our life. In our childhood we all learn this lesson.But now we don't remember about this lesson.In summer due to sweat and hot Weather we feel thirsty. Then we drink water. And un certain dreams we drink water to keep us hydrated.But since the weather loss its hotness we forget to to drink water... But we need water equally all around the year. Water also helps the function of 'lymph'.Lymph support white blood cells and immune cells for fighting against the disease .
Vitamins are essential for our immune system as well as our diet. The most important vitamins are vitamin d and vitamin c.Vitamin c fights to protect our cells. Vitamin d activate our T sells which fight for infections and immune systems. Both the vitamins are important for our health.Vitamin A is important for eye sight. All these vitamins have there natural sources like fruits, vegetable,And sea animal like cod Helivar contains vitamin d.We still never intake all this vitamins, so for that i have a suggestion that we should take multivitamin tablets during winter. It will be a great option to protect ourselves from this up coming chilling cold.
And we also do not forget to put on our winter clothes every time.. So with that i finished this topic.Hope you liked this.If you like please comment below and share with me about your winter tips.and do not forget to follow all my social media the link and icons are in the bottom and Right side. So stay happy and glamorous.See you in my next blog.. 😘😘😘😘✳✳✴✴✳⛄❄⛄⛄
A beneficial bacteria found in the intestinal tract of healthy meals,often considered to be a plant.To increasing of intake probiotic is a good sign for boost our immune system and also help us for fighting against our illness.Probiotics are microorganisms that are considered to be good For our digestive system and also keep our gut healthy.A huge portion of our immune system is located in the "Gut",so it is important to know more about that friendly bacteria that can help to keep it working smoothly.It is also find in a large number of foods such as:yogurt, florella,sauerkraut
Balance Diet::
Balance is a key note of iur life. We should maintain Our diet properly. Fuelling our body with right nutrients has huge impact on both our body means our immune system and all over body. To make sure that you are a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. So the research recommend "The Rainbow Diet".It means, we should eat each and every colour of vegetables and fruits to our every meal. The more colours the better your inner health. We should not choosy about our diet. But we shouldn't drink alcohol, should not smoke and you know all these bad stuffs which can harm our body as long as our immune system. On the other hand we should not forget about the protein and fatty acids. Such foods are nuts, seeds, fish, milk,butter, E. T. C..Another way to keep our health healthy is to avoide processed foods and food high in salt and sugar.And also we shouldn't skip our breakfast which many of we casually do.
Many of us love to sleep. Well winter is the perfect season for sleeping.It is also proved
That insufficient sleep increase our causing of getting illness.So my advise is to take around 8 hours of sleep every day. During sleep we can heal and strengthen our body , also keep us fit and fresh.So we also have to maintain for a healthy body. Because we deserve it.!!
Water is our life. In our childhood we all learn this lesson.But now we don't remember about this lesson.In summer due to sweat and hot Weather we feel thirsty. Then we drink water. And un certain dreams we drink water to keep us hydrated.But since the weather loss its hotness we forget to to drink water... But we need water equally all around the year. Water also helps the function of 'lymph'.Lymph support white blood cells and immune cells for fighting against the disease .
Vitamins are essential for our immune system as well as our diet. The most important vitamins are vitamin d and vitamin c.Vitamin c fights to protect our cells. Vitamin d activate our T sells which fight for infections and immune systems. Both the vitamins are important for our health.Vitamin A is important for eye sight. All these vitamins have there natural sources like fruits, vegetable,And sea animal like cod Helivar contains vitamin d.We still never intake all this vitamins, so for that i have a suggestion that we should take multivitamin tablets during winter. It will be a great option to protect ourselves from this up coming chilling cold.
And we also do not forget to put on our winter clothes every time.. So with that i finished this topic.Hope you liked this.If you like please comment below and share with me about your winter tips.and do not forget to follow all my social media the link and icons are in the bottom and Right side. So stay happy and glamorous.See you in my next blog.. 😘😘😘😘✳✳✴✴✳⛄❄⛄⛄